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Juventus has 34 points in 20 matches of the series A with Motta - 15 less than with Allegri a year ago.  Worse did not start from the 2009/10 season when they finished 7 

Juventus has 34 points in 20 matches of the series A with Motta - 15 less than with Allegri a year ago. Worse did not start from the 2009/10 season when they finished 7


Juventus was the last time so badly in the series and in the late 2000s. The team of Tiago Motta, having tied with Atalanta (1:1), scored the 34th point in the current championship. It took 20 matches. A year ago, with Massimiliano Allegri, Bianzoneri had 15 points more.
Less points at a similar stage, the Turinets did not score from the 2009/10 season. Then, after 20 games, they had 33 points, and in the end, Juventus took the 7th line.
At the moment, the team is in series A in 5th place.

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